Thursday, December 4, 2008

so spank me i dont brush my teeth after every meal


so this idea struck me, why not write a ridiculously long sentence with these huge words that i am sure several of us have never seen or probably will never see again. and i tried it on a friend and i said to myself......self "this is a brilliant idea"(but i don't know if you have realized I have failed at this already).  so here we go again with another long sentence telling us the virtue of brushing our teeth after every meal, so you go to the dentist every 6 months or so and are constantly reminded to brush twice a day and not to mention floss (i mean who likes flossing, all that standing in the mirror action and this string cutting off circulation to your poor fingers) as this will prevent cavities then they finally finish that sentence (thankfully theirs isn't as ridiculously long as this) with "as well as after every meal" then you say to yourself......self is she serious does she seriously expect me to brush after every time I eat

then it hits you its one of these things you do in the ideal world, or maybe a land called perfect where everyone flosses daily and brushes their teeth after every meal and women walk around wearing black and white polka dot dresses and men wear white suits perhaps they even do their gardening in these suits that never get dirty because this is,  perfect......and better yet the kids brush their teeth after every meal (interesting though even in perfect with brushing those teeth several times daily those pearly whites still ain't all that pearly)

now every time i have something to do that i feel obligated to do i wonder do i really have to do it as i don't live in perfect and few things are perfect in this world if any (perhaps not, cheesecake is the perfect desert, your free to disagree but i say it's so!!). well this long sentences thing was a perfect experiment (there we go with perfect again) but it just came to an end (you didn't notice that full stop up there did you?)

note well kids this is not a discourse to tell you not to brush those pearly whites twice a day....hell yea brush them after every meal and don't forget that flossing!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law." - Voltaire


so i read this quote and it was one of the most interesting things i had ever read  (probably not, but it was up there). and it brought me to wonder if they are any mother-in-laws that don't get a bad rap.......perhaps they really are a few mother who actually like the man that their daughter has brought home. but based on most of the reviews it seems like no mother is ever quite happy with the "stamina daddy" their daughter has brought home. 

i'm sure that Voltaire was onto a bright idea when he coined this statement, unless  the woman marries an already successful man i guess the mother law would always have some element of surprise to any success he encounters.  unless of course she had always had high hope for him (which means she probably liked him and had no reason to think ill thoughts of him) in which case i am sure that even if he doesn't strike it rich she will find some oh they have a child (wow! he was able to do something right.....maybe......sorta kinda).

i conclude though by reiterating that they are many loving mothers in law out there and that this statement jus reflects a select few in the bunch. (or so i am hoping...... jus praying that mine wont be one of these select few)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

painting the sky with stars


tonight I am painting the sky with stars

tonight ends darkness and becomes illuminated with the passion of small dots of meaning

the gladiators of the night and the protectors of dreams, things that we as kids all had so many of

and as the fights draws to a bloody end we the spectators watch as the sky becomes more and more painted with stars.

Monday, June 23, 2008

taco tikki hut

so after listening to funplex from the B-52's I said lemme think of all the things that B-52 could relate where else did I turn to but the worlds premier academic source, the stop shop for all, answers any question in a few seconds......wikipedia (with heavenly music, signifying it as the holy grail).

so after checking wikipedia I realized that I was only able to think about 3 out of the 4 possible meanings, not bad (I hope this doesn't make me freaky now in your opinion). so I knew about the band which might I use this opportunity to add is really fly, everyone should get one song from them, even if it is funplex (mind you I only have one song...funplex, therefore here is my personal disclaimer on all other songs), but the band appears to be a classic having started singing long before my birth in the 70's. It's really a surprise they are still allowed to produce music, but hey who's stopping U2 or Motley Crue (they're 80's I think), hopefully you get my point

after that came the next best thing I thought, the B-52 shooter......never had one personally but I have seen pictures of them and seen them prepared before my eyes. wish I could say I saw what they can do (with that tone of impending deathly potency) but I cant so I guess that they are a precursor to something a bit more deathly......perhaps tequila (nawwww)......maybe Bacardi (well there is a novel thought)...or a flaming B52 (maybe that is the where the name came from). so speaking of deadly, BAMM (with that Emeril voice) here is the next B-52, the B-52 bomber. a huge plane by most proportions (even Snoop Doggie Dawg's) that the US military used to bomb their enemies (presumably, I would hate to think they are bombing their allies). most of them are retired now and laying in a desert, after years of meritorious service at war (I mean the planes of course, not the allies).

Lastly, I would say the strangest of the B-52 bunch...... the B52 hairstyle, that's right there is a hairstyle that is named B-52.  this hairstyle also referred to as the beehive, is one of the strangest as apparently it got its name from the aircraft.  I guess the most popular people seen sporting this hairstyle would have to undoubtedly be Marge Simpson (perhaps Marge is more known for her BLUE hair as opposed to beehive style though) and Amy Winehouse (who might well be known for her drug use, fainting spells, run ins with the law or even maybe just maybe her sultry singing)

......and so from one pretty old band which has a great song, I managed to trump up quite a bit of discourse

Friday, June 20, 2008



So recently as a toured a local bookstore (oh whatever....don't look so surprised....I do go to bookstores) I saw this interesting book called simple.ology:the simple science of getting what you want. then I said to myself.....self could you imagine a world where I always got what I wanted. I mean it would be way cool, not only would I be typing this blog from my crib (which would be of Snoop Dawg [or optionally Snoop Doggy Dawg] proportions) probably from a diamond encrusted Mac, maybe I would even throw in the circular water bed to boot.  but since the book focuses on more realistic goals I figure lemme just aim for the crib first, all the bling and fame could come afterwards.

don't think for a minute that I have left you out my beloved fans and fair friends, I would ensure you could get daily updates of this blog (as if I had all the money in the world what else would there be to do but blog?......hmm yea there was that idea of saving the world) from your blinged out sidekicks. yup you got all the shizznit right therrr....only doggie style baby (well what I meant is Snoop Doggie Dawg style).

however after reality has set in I said, well here's a realistic goal we can all work towards, and perhaps someday we will actually save the world indeed.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Its been a good month for music


after having 3 killer playlists for the past 3 weeks I think that June is like the month for music....... let's see we had the release of the Fratellis album, NERD, Coldplay and so many hot singles and releases that it is redefining my musical experience (not mention several other experience for me). to start with the most personally anticipated of the bunch for me the Fratellis album.....this was far from a disappointment, it had the usual pop hippy songs (just like The Wombats) that I had come to fall so in love with (their like soundtracks for life). particularly my favourite has come to be Mistress Mabel which happened to be their first single and the one that I have been listening to longest....but next to that absolutely smoking hit has to be songs like Acid Jazz Singer, Tell Me a Lie and Milk and Honey.  so the next album that was had a few songs on the past few playlists was Viva la Vida, a really good album or so I am told but I have to admit the actual song Viva la Vida got an amazing 14 plays in the one week it was on the playlist (of near Green Day proportions) however, Violet Hill which was equally as good made it on the weekly playlist about two weeks prior to that. NERD the unexpected lot in the whole bunch were a pleasant surprise with my absolute favourite on that album being a spunky, sorta edgy groove called Time for Some Action.....which its intro puts me starkly in mind of Longview by Green Day. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

as far as 2012


so recently I was sitting at home watching BBC (that's right, that is what my life has come down to) and the logo for the London 2012 games came on; along with plenty of other stuff that the city was planning to do 300px-London_Olympics_2012_logo.svgto get in ship shape for the seemingly far off games of 2012.  In the corner of my screen was this bright pink, very 1980's looking photo; out of curiosity I Googled (yea it's a verb no haven't u Google) it. much to my astonishment, it was true, that hideous thing was the logo for the 2012 games. needless to say not far from looking like something that walked off a Richard Simmons workout video; the ads for the thing were even

feared to trigger epileptic seizures (can you possibly picture it in motion, swirling and flashing??).


so after giving it much thought I said, this must be a fitting that the 2012 games slated to only be 2 or so years after I graduate, actually be at a venue that I can afford to go see the games and engross myself in the overly expensive Olympic fever (maybe by then I will have a Visa card...the only card accepted at the Olympic games).  then logic and reason grabbed hold of m

Map image
e.....and I said to myself, self if we want to go to London we gotta start planning now.


so I figure that all of you my faithful readers (not sure I have any of those but, yes you my faithful readers) I ask you to come and join me in the conquest to London.  let the journey begin by going to the very hip 1980's site. then by studying this map of London and learning each one of the landmarks....and then learning the language (though I think I have that covered....but indulge me I have Olympic fever)

London 2012

Thursday, May 29, 2008

A cou cou stick is more durable than love


So recently I have been reading one of Austin Clarke's books and I read this line and thought that it would be a most triumphant return to blogging after a week of a lazily guessed it. NOTHING.

Therefore as an accomplished UWI student (or something like it), it would be in my best interest to reference the book to which I am referring, using nothing but the best practices to state all the works cited.  But as I am on vacation, i'm gettin away from all that, and since I'm only talking about 1 line in 1 book I'll just tell you the title. 

only after reading more and more of the chapter on cou cou did i start to understand the striking relationship between cou cou and sex.  perhaps that's why he makes such stark reference to asking a potenial mother in law if their daughter could stir cou cou.  picture me, in a living room of some woman's house on a caned chair picking rice at the dining table, playing 'footsie'  with my potential wife after a lengthy courtship.  then i spring the question, leaving all ambivalence behind, "can your daughter stir cou cou, a smooth mellow cou cou?"

then there are those first few seconds of silence, (you know what i mean, that point where you sit and wonder did they hear me. should i repeat, supposed they did and are just in shock at how wuthless this boy is) and she then tells you.....she can stir a mean cou cou.

thankfully though those days are gone, way back in the days of old. Now one can find out what type of cou cou she can stir long before you even get married.....for some the cou cou is a deciding factor about marriage (but then again Clarke did say that).

[well I guess the moral of this story is don't  give me a culinary memoir to read and expect him to be uninspired.]

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

congrats to ellen


so just the other day my favourite TV personality, Ellen, announced that she was getting married to her (what i guess is going to be her life long partner, Portia) so, here is a big congrats to Ellen.  lets just hope that some day I will find that special woman, just like Ellen has.  and as one could only imagine a wedding with two women should be pretty interesting and should bring a whole new dimension to the conventional wedding drama........but with Ellen i don't think that there will be any unneeded drama though; and even if there is she will make tonnes of fun at it.  and in doin so keep all of us (her favourite viewers falling off the edge of our seats with laughter).....well we'll all wait and see

Tuesday, May 13, 2008





clanking slowly against a global winter


as thoughts calculated and sinister...........linger

while licking my finger



7 E+09

with an element that weight it sure is hard to neglect its importance in reactions if only in trace amounts.  but with this sort of mass, imagine its electrostatic force, imagine it as a determinant in every reaction....... this ladies and gentlemen is the human element (Hu) where humans meet the rest of the periodic table only to be investigated and classified based on their properties...... based on their relationships with other humans, other elements, perhaps even earth.


the human element where humanity meets science and where science dares to quantify the enigmatic nature of human behaviour.  certainly no periodic table is complete with out the human element the element of error, of faith, of reason and of logic; gathered together in an attempt to understand. Hu

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

jazzy jazz jazz jasmine



yellow pink

surfing dancing swimming

on a wave of passion (who knows maybe for fashion)


Monday, May 5, 2008

so what if I am a member of the Sarcasm Society



fiercely potent

looking questioning speaking

I cant stop using


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the energy of an electron in a 1D box


So after putting this off for quite some bit, I decided why just not come and finish write this blog.  And what better time is there to write this than after the an exciting chemistry exam; especially since this more than exciting topic didn't come...... oh well (with a sarcastic look of disappointment on my face).  Somehow I am strongly doubting that there will be a next time. 


But there is of course a lesson to be learnt from an electron trapped in box. We should look at it metaphorically....... we are trapped in a world where chemistry surrounds us and there is no escaping it (just like the infinitely tall walls of the box), so maybe the electron trapped in the box isn't such a bad thing

Sunday, April 20, 2008

perhaps something CRAZY Kramer did is not such a hot idea


Don't know how many of my readers watch Seinfeld (in fact i don't know how many readers i have.... if any). But for those of you who do read, and better yet watch Seinfeld kudos; for those of you poor souls who don't or worst yet have never seen an episode of Seinfeld help your self (Top Ten Seinfeld Moments) it's a must see. 

I think that to truly enjoy the diversity and uniqueness of life we all should do something that crazy Kramer once did.  But for the rest of us who haven't eaten a salad prepared in the bath or a sandwich prepared nude i think life is still as diverse and unique we just haven't encountered it quite as yet.  Until of course we eat a salad that was prepared in the bath or a sandwich which was prepared by someone nude.

Friday, April 18, 2008

so he said call me nic-nac.......i say nic-nac odd job


so as the name suggest I have been sitting thinking about how ppl get nicknames.......and I realized that it is one of the most interesting things, as sometimes these nicknames become so common you dont even remember ppls real name when required.  you just say well blah blah blah........"ohhhhh (look of despair) what's her/his name???" and much to your astonishment the ppl around are just as lost as you are!.....unless (of course) you hang with her/his parents, who always seem to have that uncanny knack for remembering their kids names..... it was an interesting realization that I thought was of great noteworthiness so here it is. 

Monday, April 14, 2008

trying to do daily


so perhaps trying to do this whole blogging thing everyday was a bit precocious of me, little did i know:

  1. how much work it be
  2. that i would actually have to add another 5 mins of thinking to my day
  3. there is no 3

but my point and i do have one (which by the way is a good book that i think everyone should read) is that this blogging phenomena is something that was perhaps designed for the more committed and disciplined writer.......then though that would make me and undisciplined and uncommitted writer, and 'dem thing jus ain right'.  needless to say its a fun extra 5 mins of thinking where i get to do fun things with my thoughts and i would advise anyone to open up a blog and blogggg awayyyy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

one fateful night



pink, thick

pouring, lifting, swallowing

heartburn indigestion upset stomach diarrhea

30 ml Pepto Bismol

Thursday, April 3, 2008

maybe it's my mind


so i say to myself......self after listening to that voice in the back of my mind it hits you like BLAM!! so things were designed not to be understood. like why junior gong and senior gong don't have a song on a big label.  i mean nat king cole and natalie cole have one !!! or elvis and people you never heard of....perhaps me and ellen should have one; i don’t think she will mind that unique collaboration. it should be interesting we could sing a 1980's classic like jessie's girl and dance together in the music video.  maybe striker our favourite dj will chime in with some modern song soon to become classic.



curious, funny

laughing, crying, pissing

missed it today


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So that's what it does?



long, descriptive

writing, reading, researching

only 311 words
