Wednesday, June 4, 2008

as far as 2012


so recently I was sitting at home watching BBC (that's right, that is what my life has come down to) and the logo for the London 2012 games came on; along with plenty of other stuff that the city was planning to do 300px-London_Olympics_2012_logo.svgto get in ship shape for the seemingly far off games of 2012.  In the corner of my screen was this bright pink, very 1980's looking photo; out of curiosity I Googled (yea it's a verb no haven't u Google) it. much to my astonishment, it was true, that hideous thing was the logo for the 2012 games. needless to say not far from looking like something that walked off a Richard Simmons workout video; the ads for the thing were even

feared to trigger epileptic seizures (can you possibly picture it in motion, swirling and flashing??).


so after giving it much thought I said, this must be a fitting that the 2012 games slated to only be 2 or so years after I graduate, actually be at a venue that I can afford to go see the games and engross myself in the overly expensive Olympic fever (maybe by then I will have a Visa card...the only card accepted at the Olympic games).  then logic and reason grabbed hold of m

Map image
e.....and I said to myself, self if we want to go to London we gotta start planning now.


so I figure that all of you my faithful readers (not sure I have any of those but, yes you my faithful readers) I ask you to come and join me in the conquest to London.  let the journey begin by going to the very hip 1980's site. then by studying this map of London and learning each one of the landmarks....and then learning the language (though I think I have that covered....but indulge me I have Olympic fever)

London 2012

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