So recently I have been reading one of Austin Clarke's books and I read this line and thought that it would be a most triumphant return to blogging after a week of a lazily guessed it. NOTHING.
Therefore as an accomplished UWI student (or something like it), it would be in my best interest to reference the book to which I am referring, using nothing but the best practices to state all the works cited. But as I am on vacation, i'm gettin away from all that, and since I'm only talking about 1 line in 1 book I'll just tell you the title.
only after reading more and more of the chapter on cou cou did i start to understand the striking relationship between cou cou and sex. perhaps that's why he makes such stark reference to asking a potenial mother in law if their daughter could stir cou cou. picture me, in a living room of some woman's house on a caned chair picking rice at the dining table, playing 'footsie' with my potential wife after a lengthy courtship. then i spring the question, leaving all ambivalence behind, "can your daughter stir cou cou, a smooth mellow cou cou?"
then there are those first few seconds of silence, (you know what i mean, that point where you sit and wonder did they hear me. should i repeat, supposed they did and are just in shock at how wuthless this boy is) and she then tells you.....she can stir a mean cou cou.
thankfully though those days are gone, way back in the days of old. Now one can find out what type of cou cou she can stir long before you even get married.....for some the cou cou is a deciding factor about marriage (but then again Clarke did say that).
[well I guess the moral of this story is don't give me a culinary memoir to read and expect him to be uninspired.]